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Malerei von Fabian Rechsteiner  |  Churfirsten, Toggenburg, Schweiz 2021
oil paint on canvas | 50 x 70 cm

Follow your calling even if there some stumbling blocks in the way. Especially in this weird time there seem to be more difficulties to reach certain goals. Don't stop keep searching for a way ~ until you find a possible way. Even this way you will find might looks a little different than you imagined it to be. Follow it until you arrive...

~ Fayb ~

Forever Faithful
You are forever faithful
Your love is like the mountains
Steadfast and unmoving
Constant and unchanging

All I need is You
Your love makes all things new
Let joy come flowing through
Now I'm alive in You

You are forever singing
Your song is like the morning
Burning and uplifting
Stirring and Ascending

You are forever with us
Your presence is all around us
Moving and embracing
Constantly creating

All I need is You
Your love makes all things new
Let joy come flowing through
Now I'm alive in You

Now I'm alive in You 

song by Rivers & Robots

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