Tiny Chipmunk • 渺小的花栗鼠

Sometimes you may feel small like a chipmunk, lost and unimportant. In such a big world, and an even bigger universe. The stars are so far away and seem impossible to reach them. You may feel that your life has no meaning, especially because the current age want to tell you: "God does not exist." wants you to believe that the universe and all forms of life evolved from nothing, and you begin to think that this way you can live your life however you want without any eternal consequences for any of your actions.
If this is what you are thinking I would like to remind you that life is much deeper than you believe and life is not just another form of matter. Our body is not only flesh and blood, but also soul and spirit.
You are more than a clumb of cells, you are so much more than that. You have value and purpose. You are loved even in the loneliest moments of your life, and if you get to the point where you feel like you have no one with you, know that God is always waiting for you to turn to Him.
“Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.”
Psalms 62:5 NIV
如果你的想法是這樣我要提醒你生活比你相信的深刻多了,生命並不是物質的另一種形式, 我們的身體不只是血肉,更是靈與魂。
你不只是一團細胞,你的意義遠不止於此, 你是有價值且重要的, 即使在生命中最孤獨的時刻,你也被愛著,如果到了你覺得沒有人陪伴你的地步,要知道上帝一直在等待你轉向祂。
『我的心哪,你當默默無聲,專等候上帝, 因為我的盼望是從他而來。』
詩篇 62:5 CUNP-上帝
If this is what you are thinking I would like to remind you that life is much deeper than you believe and life is not just another form of matter. Our body is not only flesh and blood, but also soul and spirit.
You are more than a clumb of cells, you are so much more than that. You have value and purpose. You are loved even in the loneliest moments of your life, and if you get to the point where you feel like you have no one with you, know that God is always waiting for you to turn to Him.
“Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.”
Psalms 62:5 NIV
如果你的想法是這樣我要提醒你生活比你相信的深刻多了,生命並不是物質的另一種形式, 我們的身體不只是血肉,更是靈與魂。
你不只是一團細胞,你的意義遠不止於此, 你是有價值且重要的, 即使在生命中最孤獨的時刻,你也被愛著,如果到了你覺得沒有人陪伴你的地步,要知道上帝一直在等待你轉向祂。
『我的心哪,你當默默無聲,專等候上帝, 因為我的盼望是從他而來。』
詩篇 62:5 CUNP-上帝