Ocean of Hope - 希望的海洋 -
Xīwàng dì hǎiyáng | 2020 臺灣

There is a hope that reaches way beyond the horizon. More than we could ever imagine.
It's up to you to grasp it, it's already here just waiting for you – life in abundance.
While I was mesmerizing about the beauty of the east coast in Taiwan.
I knew that I have to capture it in a form of paintings. I know there is more to find in this world
than the nature, but still we have to take care for the creation. In this special season of 2020 we have
the opportunity to ask ourselves: "Are we actually just living for our own benefit or also for others?"
Through this hope we have the power to change life.
The a art serie "Ocean of Hope" includes of a total of seven pieces.

by Fabian 發安
Ocean of Hope 海洋的希望

ca ​​​​​​​120 cm x 90cm 

OceanOfHope 海洋的希望 lifeinaboundance 生活豐富  LebeninFülle 海洋 海邊 畫畫 油畫 Ocean Painting Malerei oilpainting 龜山島 Turtleisland
"There is a hope that reaches way beyond the horizon. 
More than we could ever imagine.
It's up to you to grasp it, it's already here just
waiting for you – life in abundance."
- Fayb 2020 -

它已經在這裡等著您 — 生活豐富。」
- 發安 2020年 -

"Hoffnung jenseits des Horizonts. 
Jenseits unserer Vorstellungskraft.  
Du musst es nur es ergreifen,
es wartet bereits auf dich – Leben in Fülle."
- Fayb 2020 -



#龜山島 #臺灣 #美術 #畫畫

The first time I came to Taiwan, I painted this artwork. During that time, I went to the beach every day, and one day, I saw a breathtaking sunrise that inspired me to paint this scenery.

I want to sell my artwork. If you're interested, please let me know.

#TurtleIsland #Taiwan #Artwork #Painting

Das erste Mal, als ich nach Taiwan kam, habe ich dieses Kunstwerk gemalt. Während dieser Zeit bin ich jeden Tag zum Strand gegangen, und eines Tages habe ich einen atemberaubenden Sonnenaufgang gesehen, der mich dazu inspirierte, diese Szenerie zu malen.

Ich möchte mein Kunstwerk verkaufen. Wenn Sie interessiert sind, lassen Sie es mich bitte wissen.

#Kunstwerk #Malerei #Yilan
Wave to Freedom 自由的衝浪

painting by Fayb 2020 Taitung 臺東
oil on canvas 油畫 90 x 65 cm

#freedom #自由 #臺東 #wave #衝浪 #surfing #美畫 #art #oilcolor #painting
It's in human nature to seek freedom. But are we truly free or is it just an illusion that we are living in freedom. How long will it last until we realize we aren't? In this season many got forced to rethink freedom.
The only one who set's free indeed is the one who gave his live so we can be free.

“You were called to freedom, brothers and sisters; only don’t let this freedom be an opportunity to indulge your selfish impulses, but serve each other through love.”
Galatians 5:13 CEB



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